The story of Mama Noura began to take shape in 1991, nestled in the heart of Riyadh. Over the span of more than three decades, we have become an essential part of the city’s fabric, offering a diverse menu of delectable dishes and beverages that are distinguished by their rich Arab flavors. Among them, Shawarma stands as a timeless favorite cherished across generations.

Mama Noura has thus become a revered destination for both Riyadh’s visitors and its residents, who have grown up with this venerable name. We firmly believe that creating lasting memories is at the core of what we do, and this belief is deeply ingrained in the dedication of our over 1200 employees, most of whom are proud nationals. Their commitment brings a genuine touch to our essence.

Reflecting on the humble beginnings of the Mama Noura chain, it originated as a modest juice center named “Mama Noura Juice Center.” However, with the unwavering support of the esteemed woman whose name graces our establishment, she became more than just a supporter—she became an integral foundation that propelled us toward comprehensive success.

Making every meal
a memorable one.

Our Vision

We aim to be pioneers in our industry, making a wide-reaching impact and preserving the reputation of our name and the quality of our service throughout the years.

Our Mission

We strive to provide an authentic traditional Arabic experience, where we uphold a refined taste and the quality we have acquired over the past thirty years. We are always looking forward to leading, evolving, and staying true to our identity.

To this day, the symbol of Mama Noura stands as a timeless emblem that resonates with all generations, representing quality, authentic flavors, and unwavering dedication.